...And Oceans

…And Oceans

SOURCE – As in Gardens, So in Tombs contains all of the band’s musical trademarks. However, did you want to try and experiment with anything different this time around?

Timo (Guitars) – Well, we are open for experiments for sure, but that is not what we want to do just for the sake of it. So it has to come naturally and it really has to serve the song.

Normally those experiments are coming from our keyboardist and his weird sounds etc.

The last song of the album is a bit different from our normal songs so to say, so that might be one of experiments for us. Also playing that live will be some kind of experiment. It will be seen if it works or not.

SOURCE – What are your expectations for the As in Gardens, So in Tombs album?

Timo (Guitars) – Finally to get on tour, get more gigs and festivals. To be honest I would like to …And Oceans to get the recognition it deserves. We need to get this record to be heard and we are quite confident it will be well taken. For the feedback we have already gotten, this seems to be the case here.

SOURCE – What did you enjoy most about working with producer Juho Räihä and his approach with the band? Are there specific areas you think he brought the best out of you guys as musicians and players?

Timo (Guitars) – For me it is really important that I can concentrate on my playing. With Mr. Räihä that is really easy. He does take care of the timing, tuning and all the little things that don’t sound right in the playing.

He might have some producing ideas too, but mostly with vocals.

I have done many records with him with other bands too, so for me it feels like home. It is really important too that there is a certain atmosphere and mood when recording. He can be really strict as he should, but he is always calm. So there are no cases of arguments or being pissed off about something, haha.

This time we recorded at his home and every day after our recording sessions we went to Sauna and relaxed, you know Finns.

Mathias Lillmans (Vocals) –  I have enjoyed four albums working with him now and will definitely continue on that path! He always has insights into my arrangements that I didn’t think of and corrects me if there’s some weird pronunciation and so on. Also having him on board from the beginning of this album was great since I was holding the CWM album together last time and four different sessions. Now he took care of that and I could concentrate on doing my vocals and other more musical duties.

SOURCE – You’ve been releasing albums for 25 years, and the promotional process has changed dramatically due to social media. Do you like the transparency and access of today’s releases, or do you prefer the old days when there was more mystique behind an album release?

Timo (Guitars) – The way in the olden days was ok, but of course it is totally different today and we have to adapt to it. In a way we are a bit behind in all of this since we were out of the business for so long. So our following on social media is beginning to grow. Of course it is a good thing to have the possibilities to promote the band in several ways, but so are everybody else too. I mean how to separate from the masses. Then those old ways may still apply. Word of mouth, printed magazines, gigs, getting contacts etc. etc.

It is obvious that the case of I know a friend who knows a friend who knows… I mean knowing the right people and proof your shit to them is something really powerful still today.

SOURCE – Do you think it’s harder navigating all the platforms in social media being older musicians who didn’t grow up in that era?

Timo (Guitars) – Might be so. It is like an unnecessary evil. We have to go with the flow. Luckily we have SOM promotion team who keep up with these things. We try to do our own part too of course.

Sometimes it also feels like there is no way this kind of music can fight with all the algorithms on these different platforms.

SOURCE – Where do you see the importance of assembling the right management, booking agency, record label, and outside supporters in developing the career of …and Oceans? Are there certain aspects you feel more comfortable taking care of within the membership of the band?

Timo (Guitars) – Yes, this is really important and sometimes it isn’t even enough. It is really like the case of aligned stars to make it, haha. No seriously today it is really needed to have different instances who take care of this and the other takes care of that. This way they can keep up with the changes of this ever changing business.

At this point we are sort of managing ourselves, but it seems that at some point real management/manager would make things easier so that we could concentrate on making music and doing gigs. There is so much work around all of this so when having a day job it takes a lot of so called free time to manage to do everything needed.

SOURCE – Finland has always been known for its top-notch Metal bands in particular as we all know. Whats your opinion on the current local Finnish Metal scene in general? Are there any newcomers you support and would like to recommend?

Timo (Guitars) – I think it is alive and well. New bands are popping up all the time. I don’t follow what is going around that much anymore, but it is always nice to find new bands here and there. Not the same as it was back in the 80’s or 90’s.

There are bands like Ymir, Warmoon Lord etc.

SOURCE – Anything else you would like to add or think the readers should know about you guys?

Timo (Guitars) – Check our latest album As In Gardens, So In Tombs and see you on tour, hopefully!


…And Oceans
