SOURCE – What can you tell us about Nebula, your second and most recent studio album? How do you feel about the songwriting and recording process for this set of material?
Scott Fairfax (Guitars) – Well the song writing was a long task, some of the tracks were started many years ago, but now it’s time for them to be heard, it was all recorded by me at my studio Riff Central, everyone worked real hard to try achieve the vision I had for the feel of the album, which is dark somber and thought provoking
SOURCE – In an era where streaming and digital consumption of music are more common than owning physical releases, do you believe great artwork is still crucial for albums?
Scott Fairfax (Guitars) – Yes I do! The initial impact of an album cover is what has always made me look more into a album, in the past I’ve purchased albums solely on the artwork (defleshed) it goes hand in hand as a complete product
SOURCE – What else can you tell us about the singles, your first releases? What do you hope people will take away from the experience?
Scott Fairfax (Guitars) – I think the two singles released showcases what’s to follow, I let the record company decide which singles to be released as I’m too close to the album to make that choice, to be honest they could of picked any of them as I don’t think there’s a song that doesn’t stand up for itself!
SOURCE – What challenges do new bands face when trying to get people to listen to them nowadays?
Scott Fairfax (Guitars) – There are endless bands and endless ways of listening to music these days and without proper promotion you can get lost in the mass of music.
SOURCE – You recently filmed a video for the track Under A Dying Sky. Could you tell us a little bit about the video? Who came up with the idea for it?
Scott Fairfax (Guitars) – OK again this was an idea by Reaper Entertainment, I gave them the storyline and lyrics and let them do what they wanted, it worked out pretty well tbh, but in the future il have more to do with this kind of thing as now more than ever a good video can help you so much! Il just have to t d the time to do that as well.
SOURCE – Now that you have some distance from writing and recording Agonist, do you hear it differently?
Scott Fairfax (Guitars) – I’ve purposely not listened to it for a while now, same with any other album I’ve released, il go back to it at some point maybe when people pick their favourite tracks, just to see what the fuss is about haha
SOURCE – Several artists have recently discussed issues with streaming services and lost revenue, while others have defended the practice. What are your thoughts on this evolution of the music industry?
Scott Fairfax (Guitars) – I personally have not seen a penny from streaming with as the world dies so to me it’s not really there for the artist, more a way to help promote, but then people won’t go buy your album because they can listen to it for free, obviously money would be nice, but this is a hobby not a career, but yes! Buy our album!
SOURCE – What are your plans for this year, aside from the album release?
Scott Fairfax (Guitars) – We are currently fine tuning the live set. And rehearsing. We have a few uk shows planned and it’s all exciting to see where we can go from here!
Photo Credit: No Credit