Black Mirrors

Black Mirrors

SOURCE – Look Into The Black Mirror captures complex, often quite bittersweet emotions. To what extent do the songs you write reflect your own experiences?

Marcella Di Troia (Vocals) – I sometimes write about things that I’ve experienced in my life but in a phylosophical way if I might use this term. I like to write about my reflections about things in life. For example Inner Reality talks about the fact we are responsable for what we are experiencing in our live. I was in the mountain in Italy when I wrote this song. Mountains can be very inspering. I don’t write so often about my personal life or if I do I usually try to stay in the metaphor as much as I can. So people, when reading my lyrics, can just understand it as they want, they can relate the song through what they are experiencing in their live.

SOURCE – A few years have passed since your debut, were you intent on going at your own pace with this one?

Pierre Lateur (Guitars) – We recorded our album Look Into The Black Mirror almost a year ago, we can’t wait to release it and finally show what we’ve made so far to the entire world. We already played most of the album songs live. We always do before recording it, this allows us to test the songs and see the reaction of our audience. Meanwhile, we were busy preparing the release by shooting videos. For example, for our song Moonstoone we’ve been to south of Spain to shoot the video in the Tabernas Desert. We stayed for a couple of days shooting the video with our friend Sébastien Van Malleghem. It was a great moment in such a beautiful place!

SOURCE – How does your new album: Look Into The Black Mirror differ from previous release?

Marcella Di Troia (Vocals) – All the songs on Look Into The Black Mirror sound more mature to us. It’s the result of all our personal, musical and spiritual experiences we’ve went through during the past five years. The album is very song-oriented as we believe that “melody” is the most important element in music. We dug into every aspect of what we enjoy in music, from straightforward heavy Rock songs like “Lay My Burden Down” or “Burning Warriors” to very intimate song like “Moonstone” or even acoustic tunes like the bonus track “Whispering Ghost”. A song like Günther Kimmich is pretty much the fastest song on the album. We remain faithful to our musical influences, solid and powerful riffs with strong and catchy vocal lines.

SOURCE – Sticking to vintage rock authenticity, what goal do you have for the band?

Pierre Lateur (Guitars) – Our main goals are to have fun playing music together and to evolve as musicians. For that, we hope to tour as much as we can. We will be a lot on the road in Europe this fall supporting great bands like The Vintage Caravan and The Night Flight Orchestra.

SOURCE – What is the lure of making music in the spirit of 60’s and 70’s rock?

Marcella Di Troia (Vocals) – You know, we don’t thing about all that during our composition process. We are just making music that comes naturally. It’s more about playing the music that we feel right to our ears and souls. Of course, we have a lot of 60’s and 70’s rock influences like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Led Zep, The Doors ect… but it’s not our aim to sound excactly like them, it’s a matter of doing our own music with what you’ve been feeding with. We are also influenced by modern rock music like Queens Of The Stone Age, Royal Blood, Jack White or even bands from the Seattle scene like Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Hole, Pearl Jam…

SOURCE – Where do Black Mirrors fit into the modern hard rock world?

Pierre Lateur (Guitars) – It is pretty funny because as we signed with Napalm Records, a lot of people are thinking that we are doing metal or hard rock or that we are aiming to do it. But it’s not the case, pretending that would be silly! We are doing rock! Even if we have heavier songs like, for example, Burning Warriors. This song is probably one of the heaviest song that we have on the album because it’s influenced by the stoner scene. But all our album titles are rock oriented songs.

SOURCE – You have all these different influences but you still get a lot of attention from the heavy metal scene. You played a lot in front of metal crowds. In fact you have just played some large festivals. How does it feel to play in front of a metal crowd?

Marcella Di Troia (Vocals) – Actually, the heavy metal scene is pretty new for us. We didn’t play that much metal large festivals. But everytime we do, it feels amazing because metal fans are really dedicated to the bands they like and it feels good as an artist to feel that support from the audience.

SOURCE – Do you have any plans to visit the South America and Brazil?

Marcella Di Troia (Vocals) – That would be great! No plans

Black Mirrors
