

SOURCE – How was it coming from that experience into starting work on Cainites?

Andrea Falaschi (Vocals, Drums, Keyboards) – Daniele Ciranna and I played together in Motus Tenebrae. There was always a strong compositional synergy between us, and when the singer of Motus Tenebrae left the band, we were very disappointed to have nothing to work on together. During the pandemic, I told Daniele: send me some riffs, I want to try singing, and that’s how it all started.

SOURCE – Your new album Revenant will be out June 21th and it is your first album. How did you end up choosing Scarlet Records as your label and how has the collaboration been so far?

Andrea Falaschi (Vocals, Drums, Keyboards) – Scarlet Records is the label for my band Deathless Legacy. We have always had a very good experience with Scarlet Records, a cohesive team that respects the artist’s vision. Therefore, it was only natural to propose the album to Scarlet Records as soon as it was ready.

SOURCE – What has the response been to the singles from this album you’ve released so far?

Andrea Falaschi (Vocals, Drums, Keyboards) – I am amazed; I didn’t expect to receive such an enthusiastic welcome, probably because I didn’t believe in myself as a singer that much, and due to the somewhat unconventional style I propose. Instead, the reaction has been fantastic, far exceeding my expectations. I must say this has been very therapeutic for the scars of my spirit.

SOURCE – How did you develop the concept for the Darkness Awaits video?

Andrea Falaschi (Vocals, Drums, Keyboards) – I am the director of all the videos for all my bands. In this case, what I wanted to bring out was the aesthetic and spirit of this character: an old, dormant, and somewhat mummified vampire who struggles to move initially when he awakens from his torpor at dusk. The best way to emphasize the character was to shoot him in a neutral environment, So I’ve chosen complete darkness for “Darkness Awaits” and an enveloping, irritating light for “Vampire God.”

SOURCE – Has the reaction to the new album surpassed your expectations?

Andrea Falaschi (Vocals, Drums, Keyboards) – Yes, currently that’s the case. I hope that when the album is fully released, it will stir the darkness in the listener’s soul.

SOURCE – Do you see the impact of the Internet as a double-edged sword, especially spending time promoting it through all these social media platforms?

Andrea Falaschi (Vocals, Drums, Keyboards) – Without the Internet, many musical projects would have remained unpublished or confined to a small circle of people. The real problem with the internet today is that it has multiplied our expectations, with so many numerical parameters that are just vanity. The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment often is. The problem is also that with all this technology that pretends to be democratic, streaming platforms actually offer us what they want, despite their proclamations of an apparent grassroots musical movement. It’s all nonsense if the major labels’ pop songs end up in editorial playlists for months while metal is relegated to a much smaller part. If underground metal still exists and is alive and well, we owe it only to the people who listen to it. Thank you.

SOURCE – Do you like the modern promotion process of transparency and interaction, or do you prefer the old school, pre-internet days where there was a lot more mystique around a release?

Andrea Falaschi (Vocals, Drums, Keyboards) – A large part of the magic and mystery has disappeared, and that’s a shame. On the other hand, having a more direct relationship with people also allows me to explain and document the intricate concepts that I love to create. The real problem is that as a musician, I just want to be heard. Meanwhile, social networks are heading in a direction where the four minutes of a song are too much for everything. And that sucks. It really sucks. Music requires time to immerse oneself in it; it can’t be consumed too fast, or it becomes disposable.

SOURCE – To wrap things up, what are your plans for the rest of 2023?

Andrea Falaschi (Vocals, Drums, Keyboards) – I’m writing the new Deathless Legacy Album, that’s my main focus at the moment. I want to really thank you for this conversation. Shall the darkness walk with you.




Photo Credit: Frater Orion