

SOURCE – In Resonance Nexus is the strongest Earthtone9 album to date. What, if any events stoked this incredible set of songs?

Karl Middleton (Vocals) – The desire to reconnect creatively and to have an avenue of expression during the COVID lockdowns. It was such a weird time. Having something positive and exciting to work on was a Godsend

SOURCE – The new album almost redefines your previous sound whilst keeping your core, was this a conscious effort or did this just happen naturally?

Karl Middleton (Vocals) – We wanted to take the music in a heavier and more metallic direction. It happened pretty naturally, we just stopped filtering and second guessing ourselves and made the album that we wanted to hear.

SOURCE – Why such the delay between albums?

Karl Middleton (Vocals) – Lots of reasons – Living in different countries, the pandemic, internal disagreements about the material and how to navigate this issue.

SOURCE – How do you define the term success for Earthtone9 – and has that definition shifted from your initial start as a group to where you are now?

Karl Middleton (Vocals) – At this point it is mainly about fulfilling our creative desires with no compromises. We absolutely believe that In Resonance Nexus is a game-changing album for us and want as many people as possible to hear it.

Our defininition of success has definitely changed over time. Initially I wanted the band to be underground, DIY and uncompromising, then when we were making ArcTanGent I thought it would be great to be a major label band, touring the world constantly.

Now I think a blend of all three would be good!

SOURCE – What prompted the move to work with Lewis Johns (Employed To Serve, Svalbard, Ithaca, Modern Error) for In Resonance Nexus? Was it made out of the need for someone to understand the new direction of the band?

Karl Middleton (Vocals) – We love the Employed To Serve albums and our A&R guy Darren Toms thought Lewis would bring the best out of us. Darren was 100% right.

SOURCE – Considering where Earthtone9 started three decade and where the band is now, were you at all concerned as to how In Resonance Nexus was going to be received?

Karl Middleton (Vocals) – I think interested more than concerned. We believe in these new songs and are grateful to have such a dedicated fanbase. We knew the material was really good, we just weren’t sure if the wider music scene would remember us or care. It’s been great to see the very positive reviews for In Resonance Nexus.

SOURCE – Do you think there are specific social media channels/platforms that have worked better than others in gaining more reach and improving the following for Earthtone9 overall? What do you enjoy most about this type of engagement with the fans?

Karl Middleton (Vocals) – Right now we mainly use Instagram and Facebook, and host some video material on YouTube. The directness and immediacy of social media is cool. It’s more interactive than the flyers, posters and newsletters we used in the 90’s.

SOURCE – Anything else you wish to say about yourself or your music? Any message for your fans?

Karl Middleton (Vocals) – FANS: WE APPRECIATE YOU!

Music and connection with people is everything. It’s what makes life good. We’ve been on an incredible journey and feel fortunate to have a new album and be signed to a great label. If you are unfamiliar with earthtone9 and like alternative metal. Check us out. We’ve been a ‘below the radar’ band for a long time. It feels like now is the time when more people will re-discover or discover us.


