He Who Saw The Abyss

He Who Saw The Abyss

SOURCE – Your new EP Echo Passage is out very soon. Can you tell us a bit about the sound and the feeling of the new record?

HWSTA – This EP is our first creation as a band. We are extremely proud to have found an “identity” so early on in our existence. That’s not to say our sound and style is perfected by any means. But we feel like we have something special to show with the theme and sound of ‘Echo Passage’.

SOURCE – How will the band maintain momentum and engagement after their initial album release to sustain long-term interest and sales?

HWSTA — We have a lot of ideas on how to keep the fire burning. We are looking to make more video content, playthroughs, music videos, and behind-the-scenes stuff in the future.

SOURCE – You’ve released a music video for Death Surge. How have you found the fan reception for the first glimpse into the new record?

HWSTA – The music video was a great initial punch for us to get some attention as a new band. So far, the reception has been strong and steady. and it’s fascinating to see the new interest rising.

SOURCE – How important do you think are singles and EPs in this era in comparison to full length releases?

HWSTA – For a new band like us it’s extremely valuable to be able to put out our music in this format. it allows us to get our music out there.

SOURCE – How has Spotify’s rise as a dominant streaming platform contributed to the decline of physical music sales globally?

HWSTA – Spotify definitely changed the landscape. For better or for worse, it’s hard to say you just have to adapt.

SOURCE – Do you see the impact of the Internet as a double-edged sword, especially spending time promoting it through all these social media platforms?

HWSTA – Not really. If anything it’s given us freedom to create our own style of branding. Unlike having to pay and be curated by physical magazines.

SOURCE – How hard is it in such a competitive music market like the Danish rock scene to find your place as a band and to build up a fanbase?

HWSTA – We came in knowing that in order for us to be heard and seen in the Danish scene, we would have to create something a bit different. Things like a fanbase don’t come easy. So we are grateful for the attention we have gotten so far!

SOURCE – Finally, is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Go listen to our newest EP and be on the lookout for future shows!

Come see our next shows at:
September 7 in Posten Odense
September 21 at Warpigs Copenhagen


He Who Saw The Abyss


Photo Credit: band

Parts of this questions were generated by ChatGPT, an AI tool developed by OpenAI, on September 2024. The AI was employed to aid in generating ideas and drafting text.