

SOURCE – You’ve released two singles to date – Siege Lord and Foul Void. Do you believe this helps people prepare for what they’ll hear on the full record, and did you do this to reestablish the presence of the band after so many years between records?

Erhan Alman (Guitars) – Those singles are a taste of what the full album is like but it’s definitely only a taste – we can’t wait for you to hear the release in its entirety. Throughout the era of Profound Morality to now, we’ve really honed in on what music we want to create!

SOURCE – Did we do this to reestablish the presence of the band?

Erhan Alman (Guitars) – No. I don’t think so, the only reason it’s taken until now to get the record written and released is that you only get one go on a debut album so we wanted to do ourselves justice and do it when it was the right time. We’ve been fortunate enough to spend so much of our time touring around the UK and Europe and that’s really helped us understand how to be better at what we do.

SOURCE – Speaking of your new album. It’s called Devoured by the Mouth of Hell and is out 27 September 2024. How are you feeling a few weeks pre release date?

Erhan Alman (Guitars) – We’re all incredibly excited for the release! It’s most definitely been a journey to get the album up to this point but we’re all very proud of what we’ve been able to achieve together.

SOURCE – So what do you expect to achieve with the new album and how would you describe the new album, in terms of the direction you’ve been taking?

Erhan Alman (Guitars) – Hopefully to reach more people and get this new era of Heriot in the ears of potential new fans. Alongside that we’re looking forward to playing new shows and festivals we haven’t ticked off yet and maybe see if we can make it across the pond to the US.

Heavy doesn’t have to just be low tuned guitars, 1’s and 0’s, heavy can be so much more. There were elements in Profound that we touched upon but didn’t really fully flesh out and on this record we’ve really given space to those ideas and allowed them to develop into full tracks. The album is heavy in every sense of the word which I think fans of us and fans of conventional metal will really dig.

SOURCE – You decided to work at Crescent Records with producer Josh Middleton, what do you enjoy most about his process?

Erhan Alman (Guitars) – It was the first time we had someone else in as part of the recording process and Josh is just really smart when it comes to anything music. Fantastic guitar player, amazing song writer so to have someone like him onboard was really special and I think all of us can agree pushed us to make a better record.

SOURCE – Your video for Siege Lord has received great views through YouTube – what can you tell us surrounding the video shoot?

Erhan Alman (Guitars) – We shot this video at the Historic Dockyard in Chatham. It was the first time we had a budget to play with so we wanted to find somewhere that was already a great looking space to really signify the step up for us as a band. We’re such a DIY band and all of the older videos we’ve worked with what money we had. We hung up old dust sheets and white bedding to create a video shoots in the past, so that experience was a really special one for us.

SOURCE – How will the band maintain momentum and engagement after their initial album release to sustain long-term interest and sales?

Erhan Alman (Guitars) – Do as we always have done and remain consistent. We’re always planning ahead with what’s next, be that planning one off shows or tours or getting together to write new music. This record coming out doesn’t mean we slow down by any means, it’s just getting started us and we’re already making plans well into 2025.

SOURCE – Other than the album promotion what other plans do you and the rest of the band have?

Erhan Alman (Guitars) – We‘ve got a month long tour across the UK/EU we‘re set to embark on in November with Fit for an Autopsy, Sylosis and Darkest Hour. We’re hitting a bunch of cities and countries we‘ve never been to before, which is super exciting and whilst we head out with them we‘re making plans for 2025 but not much I can say on that just yet.

Photo Credit: Harry Steel




Parts of this questions were generated by ChatGPT, an AI tool developed by OpenAI, on September 2024. The AI was employed to aid in generating ideas and drafting text.