
SOURCE – What will be your strongest memory from the Darkness Forever Over Brazil Tour 2024?

Efthimis Karadimas (Vocals) – The people! You are all so crazy about music. It’s wonderful. And yes, we look forward to coming over again very soon.

SOURCE – Congratulations on the new single, I Hate! It’s truly amazing. Can you tell us about the meaning behind this song, please?

Efthimis Karadimas (Vocals) – It’s about that epic moment one understands he has been so much fucked up by organized religion, he says enough, I don’t want this anymore, and kills his “guardian angel” in an action of rebellion against theocracy.

SOURCE – With the success and rave reviews of the last release, does that increase your expectations for this album, Children of Eve?

Efthimis Karadimas (Vocals) – Absolutely. It is an album we want to play live everywhere around the world. Let’s get united, people, and get rid of those who are taking advantage of us.

SOURCE – Children of Eve is the eleventh and latest studio album by Nightfall. How do you feel about the songwriting and recording sessions for this set of material?

Efthimis Karadimas (Vocals) – Children of Eve is an absolute beast in all terms. Now that I look back at the beginning of the process I am thinking how lucky I was everything worked out best. I have to thank my band mates, the guys at the label, Jacob and Eliran, for allowing themselves to get into my vision and offer the best of themselves to this release. It’s a team effort and we all are proud of it!

SOURCE – Do you believe the role of music videos has evolved from promotional tools into an independent form of artistic expression? How has this shift affected an artist’s brand?

Efthimis Karadimas (Vocals) – A good video is always good for the music it promotes. But it has to be really good. I am very glad about our cooperation with Video Ink. The guys did an amazing job, and this is great.

SOURCE – How has the rise of streaming services like Spotify affected traditional forms of music discovery, such as radio and live performances?

Efthimis Karadimas (Vocals) – I don’t really know. These means are young. We will learn about their true impact on the music industry in a few years’ time. Personally, I still believe in and buy physical formats. That way, I have a piece of art in my hands and the best audio quality that no stream can offer me for the time being. This is how I discover new music—going to music stores and going through the label catalogs, with all those front covers and everything.

SOURCE – How does the band plan to maintain momentum and engagement after their album release to sustain long-term interest and sales?

Efthimis Karadimas (Vocals) – Children of Eve is purely made for live performance. This is what we want to do, and this is how we will do it—playing live.

SOURCE – Before we wrap up, I’d like to thank the band for taking the time to participate in the interview. Would you like to share any final thoughts?

Efthimis Karadimas (Vocals) – Thank you for your time and support in Nightfall, my friend. I’m looking forward to meeting you all again in Brazil soon and singing together, “I hate the cannibal lurking inside my head, seeking revenge for the expelled ones, the traders of anathema with outlandish desire to disobey the makhaira of the deceiver, Christian Svengali!”




Photo Credit: Marios Theologis