SOURCE – Congratulations on your new album The Ghost of Badon Hill. I feel that this might be your best record ever. What do you think about this statement?
Dan Flitcroft (Vocals) – That’s very kind of you to say. I think as a collection of songs, they’re our most consistent to date. I could pick out individual songs from our back catalogue that I may prefer. But it’s very hard to give you an honest answer as it’s too close to call right now. Ask me again in 5 years!
SOURCE – There’s a cultural, almost historical feel to parts of The Ghost of Badon Hill. How were you inspired by English culture and history?
Dan Flitcroft (Vocals) – Absolutely. I’m very interested in English mythology and culture, and specifically our local history in Somerset. It’s a very rich and fertile area to pick from.
SOURCE – How did the compilation Rogfest – Episode 1 with The Shallow Souls, No Thursday War, Valfader, Betrayers and Migo come about and how do you feel about it now?
Dan Flitcroft (Vocals) – It was a memorial show we played for our good friend Roger Densham who sadly passed away after a battle with cancer last year. It was all the band simply paying tribute to him and his music.
SOURCE – Could you tell us about the making of the new video clip “Blood Moon”?
Dan Flitcroft (Vocals) – The video was created by Jon Birch who is a great local artist we have worked with many times before. I think it represents the song very well.
SOURCE – With the success and rave reviews of the last release, does that increase your expectations for this album, The Ghost of Badon Hill?
Dan Flitcroft (Vocals) – Yes, I suppose it does. But we try not to pay too much attention to expectations. All you can do is do the best and most honest music that you can at the time. But the attention that This Sceptred Veil garnered certainly took us by surprise.
SOURCE – At this point in the band’s career, how do you balance fan expectations for what you create and deliver versus your own personal expectations? Do you find they work hand in hand?
Dan Flitcroft (Vocals) – Again, I don’t pay any attention to fan expectations. I think that’s a fools errand if you do that. More than likely, you’ll start working on something that you think people want rather than being true to yourself. If people don’t like our new material, that’s all good. It would be weird to think that you can please all the people all of the time.
SOURCE – Are you surprised by the power of social media today to influence people around the world? How does Sergeant Thunderhoof approach his own social media content?
Dan Flitcroft (Vocals) – Not surprised. I just accept that this is the world we now live in. I wish social media didn’t exist personally. I think by and large it does much more harm than good to humanity.
SOURCE – What’s next for the band after the album is released?
Dan Flitcroft (Vocals) – We have some great shows and festivals planned for this year. But we’ll probably take a bit of time off and recharge our creative batteries. I loved writing and recording the last two albums, and so personally, I’d like to continue doing that as soon as possible.
Photo Credit: band