

SOURCE – Congratulations with the new album, because it is really amazing! Can you tell something about those songs, please?

Rick Chain (Guitars) – First of all thanks for your compliment. The songs featured on the album are the culmination of a post COVID moment of inspiration, sort of speak! We instead of freaking out, decided to dive deep into creating these new songs, and develop all the concept on “Vértice”.

SOURCE – You guys sing in Portuguese, so I’m not going to ask you to dissect the whole album, but generally speaking, what sorts of things are you singing about on this album?

Rick Chain (Guitars) – Like I said, COVID really had a huge impact worldwide, sort of divided and united in some cases people or families, friendships etc. We decided to dive into our new album, so the record depicts the expectation, the endurance, the love and disappointments, the convictions and belief, where we all end up finding our innerself like in a “Vértice”.

SOURCE – How did you balance meeting fan expectations with exploring new creative directions? Were there any specific goals you aimed to achieve with this new album “Vértice”?

Rick Chain (Guitars) – Well, we have been crafting our sound for over 10 years now, and trying to always “perfecting it” in the best way possible to achieve what we consider to be a great Sinistro song, the Fado (traditional Portuguese music) approach, with the 90s traditional British Doom Metal and the soundtrack ambiance, that was and still is our main goal, theres tons of space to explore, so that was our “quest” on the new album, to kindda perfect our own style.

SOURCE – What are some unique challenges you’ve faced as a metal band specifically based in Portugal? How have these challenges impacted your career?

Rick Chain (Guitars) – When you love what you do, for 30 years we have been doing music, you overcome the challenges, and in Portugal any style is hard to break through, not only in Metal, but is a lot of genres, so the challenges are to overcome adversity and turn that around in your favour, in order to believe in what you do, no matter the outcome.

SOURCE – With streaming’s influence, have you considered changing how you release albums, such as dropping singles or EPs more frequently?

Rick Chain (Guitars) – To be honest no, and we actually never thought about it in a deep way, we just plan things according to our vision, that eventually can be an EP or even a single, but we just go with what it feels logical at the time.

SOURCE – How do marketing and promotional strategies vary between promoting music through streaming platforms versus traditional band methods such as touring and physical album releases?

Rick Chain (Guitars) – Playing live and touring as much as we can its our “moto” I think that 80% of a bands “success” needs to be done by the band itself, by self promoting and performing as much as possible, nowadys Internet became a essential part of it as well, so we adjusted to that reality as well.

SOURCE – How did you develop the concept for the Pontas Soltas video?

Rick Chain (Guitars) – In a very DIY way, like 90% of everything we do to be precise! we wanted to portrait a burning desire, sort of a soul searching solution, to accept that are things we cannot control in life and we need to accept them as they truly are.

SOURCE – What are your plans for 2024 with the release of the album?

Rick Chain (Guitars) – Live, playing live as much as we can, not only in 2024, but like every time we can!


